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E very ship demands to be dry-docked after a regular interval of time. It is vital for a ship to undergo a dry-docking procedure so that the ship can be assessed properly for repair, any outstanding construction, or maintenance. In this blog, we are going to discuss what exactly dry docking is.
In simple words, dry docking is taking the ship in a structured area where the repair and maintenance work for a ship can be carried out. Sinotech Marine offers engineering, dry-docking management, and ship inspection services in Vietnam. Let us now look at an in-depth analysis of dry docking.

Common Types of Dry Docking
There are varying types of dry docks that are used for repairing and cleaning a ship. Some of them are:

  • Floating Dock
  • Graving Dock
  • Marine Mobile Lifts
  • Marine Rail Dock
  • Ship Lifts

How to Choose an Ideal Dry Dock?

There is a set criterion for the selection of dry dock for a ship. Listed below are some essential factors that can help in selecting a dry dock:

Condition of the Vessel

When there are damages that can possibly immobilize the ship or if the vessel propulsion plant is not working, floating docks are used.

Size of the Vessel

When a huge oil tanker has to be dry-docked, a graving dock is used. If a small boat or yacht is to be dry-docked, weighing up to 250 tonnes, a mobile marine lift is used. Marine Railway docks are used when the vessel weighs around 10,000 tonnes.

Type of Repair

Selecting the type of dry dock also depends on the types of repairs that a ship requires. While the regular scheduled dry dock can be fulfilled on a floating dock, the major retrofitting procedures can be carried out on a graving dock.

Budget for Dry Docking

Budget plays an important factor when selecting the type of dry dock. If you want to get premium ship inspection services in Vietnam, budget plays an essential role in it.

Current Schedule of Ship

The location and type of dry dock for the ship are also decided based on the current schedule of the ship. Depending upon how easily can the ship reach the dock after unloading the respective cargo or by visiting the last port.

What Can the Ship Crew Do During Dry Docking?

Given below are some of the functions of a ship’s crew when the ship undergoes dry-docking:

  • Keeping the ship at minimum ballast condition
  • Aft trim to be kept as directed by the dockmaster
  • Ensuring the vessel is moored by the assisting dock crew after the ship
  • reaches inside the dry dock
  • Keeping the stability of the ship in check
  • Preparing the ship to connect to the shore power
  • De-ballasting tanks when water is pumped out of the dry dock
  • Removing the drain plugs for tanks from the bottom of the ship

Not everyone is accustomed to dry-docking. This should best be done by experts who are qualified to carry out dry docking. At Sinotech Marine, dry-docking services are offered by professionals. We have diligent and highly qualified teams of experts who carry out dry docking for all kinds of ships, vessels, etc.

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